Freight Exchange JoMa-FT

Our visions and philosophy

Our visions and philosophy


The JoMa-FT system offers advantageous offers and partnerships for carriers and shippers. Our goal is to offer you a solution for your individual transport needs, regardless of the time of day. Your needs are our top priority, which is why we are always open to new suggestions or suggestions from our customers to implement our plans.

We do not rest on our laurels, but constantly try to optimize ourselves and our services as best we can.


Sustainable, future-oriented development, both economically, socially and ecologically, is very important to us. For this reason, we constantly monitor that our employees work in good conditions and that you, the customer, are satisfied with the way our company works and the services it provides.

Taking social responsibility for how we humans affect nature through our business is a fundamental obligation that we exercise caution. Innovations like the JoMa-FT system not only improve quality, but also the environment.


The JOMA-FT team believes in a world without logistical problems. That is why JOMA-FT has set itself the goal of making logistics smarter, safer and easier. JoMa-FT calls it Industry 4.0.

Our common vision for future logistics is to make the transport industry easier, more optimized and safer. For you, this means that you are on the safe side with the JoMa-FT system and we can start together in the age of digitization.

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